Friday, October 23, 2009

the sexes

sometimes to help my students understand writing assignments i will do the assignment with them and show them what i've done as a sort of model. today we chose a broad topic together, relationships between the sexes, and brainstormed possible directions for research-broadened personal essays. This is the rough fastwrite that i did and showed my class. i'm thinking about expanding it into a real essay...
Men and women think differently. Someone told me once that a woman's mind is like an air-traffic controller. It stands in the middle of a VERY busy airport, with glowing batons and an orange vest, directing all the hundreds of hovering thoughts, emotions, and ideas that circle around and around waiting to land. That same person also told me a man's mind is like a waffle. It can only be in one pocket at a time and just hops from pocket to pocket.

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